So after a lot of thought and a split second lapse in judgement, I stuck by my guns and didn't start another cycle of clomid. I've felt like myself all week and even though John's been gone, I feel like there is less pressure between us. I've also not counted any calories and the weight seems to be coming off nicely. I had wanted to be at 189 by May 1st but I just needed an extra day and today I was 188.5! At the gym it said I was 187, but that was obviously wrong.
The paleo is going really well. I've been hungrier lately so I've had to do the "fasting" thing because I haven't always had a healthier option on hand. Like today, I made some awesome three pepper pork loin and had it going on the grill all nice and carmelizing and then I came back and it was on fire. I could only get half of it sawed off as edible and then I had to leave really quickly for rehearsal. So I need to get more nuts and seeds and stuff thats portable and can just hang out in my car. Any other hints for nice paleo snacks?
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