I'm a member of fertilityfriend.com and with this tool, I can monitor a whole mess of things each month to see how I'm doing ovulation/fertility wise. I can also track my medication intake, BBT, how often we've babydanced, when I have mood swings and so much more.
I took Clomid in February of this year and knew that I ovulated from progesterone tests at the doctor's office and this is what my chart looked like. You can see that I got a positive LH surge on day 18 of my cycle and my temperature stayed up until I got my period after day 31 of this period cycle. I could also track what days I took my medications (I'm also on Metformin which is supposed to help ovulation as well and keep my insulin resistance in check) and when we had sex: which all the sites like to call the babydance or BD. I'm a little less shy about it so I don't care.
Now take a look at March's chart. It says I got a positive LH surge on day 13 of my cycle and a temperature jump at day 14. I was thrilled with this because I haven't had a normal cycle since I got off the pill. But then things get hairy. We did it at what I thought was the right time, but then the temperature dips start to happen. And you can also see I am going beyond when I was supposed to have ovulated because I'm already at day 30 without a period. It's a waiting game at this point but man do my boobs hurt and yesterday at the flea market I was nauseous and a little crampy. I even took another pregnancy test this morning just to make sure my doctor wasn't mistaken. Of course she's right, it was negative. But there's always the hope at the back of the head.
So now we play the waiting game, but in the meantime, I've shopped for my Paleo adventure and will start sharing my recipes and foods with you and let you know how that's going. I have a workout with Emily tomorrow and she promised a nice long run for me. I was supposed to have done my fourth 5k (this being the first to be completely jogged with little to no waking breaks) on St Patty's day but it got rained out and postponed for a day I had a big work event and after I'd gotten no sleep because I saw the midnight HUNGER GAMES premier. Did I mention I'm a huge dork? So I'm now training for one in April. I've got 3 weeks.
Not gonna lie, I love PEETA. haha.
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