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Saturday, April 7, 2012

A pretty weekend

Today was really nice! Cap and I woke up, I took my  meds, and then we went yard saling and to a flea market and swap meet. We found some really neat ones, one a couple of old ladies who's antique shop had closed and another that was in an abandoned building in a town near by. I have not felt a single hot flash and I've been able to control my temper when upset. I don't know if its because I'm calmer, weigh less, or it really is the diet and exercise but "so far so good."

We had a little disagreement about where to go for lunch, Cap not being completely on the paleo lifestyle with me, wanted Taco Bell. I can't eat a single thing there. So we settled on Chick Fil A and I got a side salad and a fruit cup. I'd had a smoothie in the morning and a banana so I wasn't famished and that held me until dinner time. Dinner was spectacular! I made eggplant with sausage and baked onions and tomatoes. It was the most delicious thing I'd ever had. I didn't have linked sausage like the recipe calls for but I did have ground. 

Here's the link. Trust me, its completely unreal! I'll make this again and again. It was so good that Cap wants us to grow eggplant in the little garden patch.

I've already got us ready for church in the morning with our clothes ironed and a pan of the breakfast bread in the oven as I type. I hope Cap likes it. I finally picked up some vanilla extract, so my complaint of its saltiness should be gone now with that and the mashed up banana that I add to it. I'm also making ham, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and a meringue for dessert tomorrow. I'll definitely put pictures up for that. 

Found this online as well and it made me giggle... hope this is not a side effect I experience this round!

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