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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sticking to my guns!

Well I have not taken my temperature or anything since we made the decision a few days ago to just stop stressing. I did however get my period in full force Friday at work, on day 27 of my cycle. I don't think I have a PCOS cycle any longer. I have heard that clomid makes your period longer but I guess that is not my case with the daily exercising and eating paleo with nothing processed. So was my timing completely off all month? I saw from my OPK tests that I had the surge on the 13th so was my luteal phase only 13 days? I don't know... but that is no longer my concern.

I weighed in at 191 today so I had lost 1 lb last week but that makes total sense with the amount of stress I was dealing with. I'm getting a new plan from Emily over the weekend and its going to emphasize more running and toning because I'm going to do another 5k in early June where I plan on being 181 by that time. Thats more than a month away so I know I can lose another 10 lbs.

Today I'm making another chicken stock from the leftover roaster chicken carcass and we are going to have the faux olive garden soup again tonight. I'm also going to the lake with some girlfriends today to get some sun and will stop by the store and pick up some fresh fruit to eat. I went out with the same friends last night and had 3 glasses of wine with glasses of water mixed in between so I'm not really feeling any of the side effects like from last weekend. Now I promise not to drink again for a few weeks so I can meet my weight loss goals.

This week will be my test of getting my life back together after TTC with clomid. I'm not saying I will never use it again, but just everything put together made it too hard. I hope to be better behaved at work, more patient with the students, and able to pay more attention at rehearsals for the musical this week. Cap started his night shifts last night so he's sleeping now and probably won't be awake til I get home from the lake, but we've promised to be better to each other and make more dates this month. I really missed him and yesterday we spent the day together out shopping and it was really sweet how he held my hand and kept kissing me. This is what we need.

So anyway, here is the chart from last month. You can see where said I ovulated but where my test was positive for the LH surge and decide for yourself what's going on.

And this is me at work dressed as Katniss from The Hunger Games for our Heroes Vs Villains event for the kids.

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