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Friday, April 13, 2012

BD weekend :)

So surprisingly enough yesterday I got the positive on the LH test on the OPK. Considering it was day 12 I was just testing to be careful and there it was. Of course, my temperature was still high so I know there was no egg, but that all changed this morning. Big 1 degree dip so I'm thinking I'll get an egg to drop sometime today and then it will just be a weekend long fun fest. I'm just trying to go day by day and stay cool and calm and on routine, but its hard to sleep. Even now I'm up 2 hours early because I just can't turn the brain off. I also haven't had any hot flashes that I can recall and the mood swings seem to be at bay as well.

Last night I was really excited about making this awesome ribs and pineapple dish. I guess my crockpot cooks at a crazy temperature because all the juices came out of the meat and it all fell off the bone. It was still good meat and juicy but kinda awkward to eat. And the pineapples absorbed all the dijon and got really spicy so you couldn't eat it. I think next time I cook it, I will just put them in the oven for a way less amount of time and just roast the pineapples away from them. But here's the recipe in case you have better luck. I didn't want to take a picture of it either cause it looked weird. HAHA.

By the way, the pumpkin breakfast bread is to die for! I just don't want to eat for another hour so I'm on my regular schedule cause I have measurements and a weigh in with Emily at our workout today. I think I've been very successful this week!

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