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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Here we go-- Clomid cycle #2

Found this on Pinterest today and I really laughed out loud! What perfect timing...

I decided that since I'm only working for a few hours tonight that I'd take the pills in the morning instead of changing how I did it last time. I'll be done with them Monday morning and the brunt of the side effects starts happening after the second dose.

The paleo seems to be going well. I'm not having the major cravings for sugar like I did yesterday but I'm wondering if my body is responding to it at all. I weighed in today and it seems that I've only lost a pound so far. I'll do the official weigh in tomorrow with Emily so I can't say anything yet and I know I didn't work out yesterday, but I still feel like I ate so healthfully that it shouldn't matter. But I'm only on the fourth day and hey, if I lose another pound by tomorrow that's a half pound a day. I guess I'll do another weigh in on Monday too because that will be a week of the lifestyle.

I had some of my mini egg casseroles and a slice of the breakfast bread for breakfast, a banana for a snack before the gym, then some bites of the shredded chicken. I made a strawberry blackberry smoothie and a pear for dinner. Just wasn't very hungry today I guess. I didn't make a dinner for the hubs because I had a work thing tonight so he made a frozen pizza and ramen for dinner. Maybe its being in the military or his fast metabolism, but sometimes I hate him. Oh well, nothing I can do about that. I only wanted to punch one person at work but I controlled myself.:)

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