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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Insights on the journey

So last night I put out on my facebook a link to this blog and I actually got some really nice messages from some friends. Some people didn't know what PCOS was and are now aware of it, but there were a few that shared with me that they too suffered from some of the symptoms of the illness. I've said it before and I'll probably say it a lot while I'm up on here on my milk crate about support for this disease, but one in eight women suffers from it. From the friends I heard about last night, two of them have always been thin since I've known them and they are both already mothers. It shows that this is not a disease of obesity like its been labeled a lot of the time in the media and on the web; and it also shows that there is great hope for those of us out there. 

I hate when I go to the pharmacy to pick up my Metformin and the pharmacist asks me if I have diabetes. Like there is no other reason a person could be on that medication. I am heavy and I'm working on getting as physically fit as I can, but it takes time. When people comment on me starting to  look "skinny" I always shake it off and just say no, I'm just getting closer to average. I'm not putting myself down, but I do know I have a long way to still go. I'm glad I've got the support of these people and my close friends and family, and I wouldn't turn that support down in a second, but I do know that years of bad choices have put me here so I know I still have years to go to be normal.  But I also know this disease pretty well now too. I know it isn't all bad choices, that its the way this disease affects the body. I put weight on easily and when its hard to get it off, I get discouraged and eat for comfort. I'm working on finding new outlets to make myself feel better, but I still get discouraged every month I get my period or get told that I had something negative come back on my blood work. I'm hoping that the rush I get from exercising and the ease of getting acquainted with this new eating habit is enough to stop more backlash.

Well, I did say yesterday that I had off work and that I was going to make a chicken stock from the leftovers from dinner and I did do just that today. I found a few recipes and tips online for how to prepare it and this is how its turned out.

I took the carcass and added celery, carrots, onions, dill, basil, and thyme covered it all in water and brought it to a boil. Then after the boil, I brought it immediately to a simmer and continued for four hours. Then I strained off all the solid pieces and put the remaining stock in the freezer. After it freezes I will scrape off the fat on top and then its soup time!

Dinner tonight was amazing! Found a paleo coconut shrimp recipe and made an arugla and spinach salad with it! Too die for!
Here's the link for the recipe!

I also broke down and made the breakfast bread. It's kinda salty from the almond butter and I didn't have any stevia and couldn't find the vanilla extract... I added agave nectar in its place but it didn't give it enough flavor. I will try again next week. 

I was also really proud of myself for going to the movies today with apples and grapes and a bottle of water to snack on during the show. Here's to me! Two more days til I start Clomid and I'm trying to prepare Cap for the crazy by making him clean up his own messes and getting in the habit now before I start screaming at him. Hope he learns soon, for his sake. :)

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